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Welcome to Thai Touch Massage

Dragi prijatelji i gosti, Ovim putem želimo Vas obavijestiti da će naš salon na Rabu biti otvoren do nedjelje 20.10., a onda od idućeg tjedna zatvaramo vrata do iduće sezone. Nadamo se da ste uživali u blagodatima naših masaža te se želimo zahvaliti svima Vama koji ste bili naši vjerni gosti ovu proteklu sezonu. Zahvalni smo na Vašim lijepim riječima i nadamo se da se opet vidimo iduće godine. Najljepše želje od cijelog našeg tima,
Thai Touch Massage Rab Dear friends and customers We would like to inform you that our salon in Rab will be opened until Sunday 20th October, from next week until next year’s spring/summer season it will be closed. We are hoping that you have enjoyed your time in our massage studio and want to thank all of you for being our loyal customers. We are grateful for your kind words and hope to see you all next year. Best wishes, Thai Touch Massage Rab

Massage Oil

Making Life Better With A Massage

What are the benefits of massage, in addition to helping the body relax?

1. Stimulates muscle function

After using the muscles for a long time whether playing sports or even working, the shoulders and neck muscles are prone to strain easily. If left untreated, this can become a chronic problem and cause significant pain. If you get a muscle massage, the tension point will be stimulated until it becomes elastic and reduces pain in that area.

 2. Helps the body relax

Stress from work that the body and mind have to bear all the time cause pain in the body, such as pain in the temples, occiput, or pain in the eye sockets, etc. Therefore, it is necessary to gently knead and squeeze along the lines and muscles. In addition, smelling the aroma of the essential oils during the massage will make you feel refreshed and can help your body relax, calm and relieve stress.

Luxury Spa
Medical Thai Massage

3. Stimulates blood flow

The benefit of massage is that it stimulates the blood and lymphatic system to circulate better. When both systems are stimulated by massage, the body's immune system is strengthened, excrete waste from the body and maintain water balance in the body.

4. Relieves pain in the body

Body pain can happen to people of all ages. Even young people can develop this condition. The cause may be from sitting in the wrong position, such as sitting in a chair that does not support the body's back. Sitting hunched over or standing and walking for a long time will cause foot pain, leg pain. Many people choose to go for a massage because it can help reduce pain.

 5. Modifies the internal balance

Massage stimulates and adjusts the functioning of the internal organs. Helps the nerves and various systems work better. No more pain in the joints, muscles, ligaments. Move better and without muscle pain!

6. Helps restore the fitness of the body

The deterioration of the body occurs after hard work. Stress has long-term detrimental effects on the body making it easy to get sick and have a bad immune system. Massage will help your body fully recover. For people who play sports or patients with paralysis massage can improve physical performance and can reduce muscle spasms.

7. Helps sleep better

Massage can help us to sleep effectively, especially aromatherapy, Swedish massage, etc. However, there is also a massage that is popular for those who have difficulty falling asleep, such as face reflexology. Due to the spots on the face that when pressed down stimulate the production of melatonin, which can help you sleep better.

Relaxing Massage Therapy

Thai Touch Massage.

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